How do we Know?
How do we Share?
A case for a different perspective: authentic scholarship as pijitsirniq
The videos and resources below are meant to serve as the anchor pieces of my scholarship for my course work components of the CBU MEd SCI program.
In the fall semester of 2021, I was simultaneously enrolled in:
6101 Fundamentals of Sustainability
6104 Curriculum Inquiry
6105 Health Promoting Schools
In the winter semester of 2022, I was simultaneously enrolled in:
5131 Digital Citizenship, Global Community
6103 Education for Sustainability & Entrepreneurship
6115 Research Methods for Education
To understand the spirit of holism from which I have created all of the work on this website, but most especially the video essays blow, the two pieces of work I would suggest you check out are:
2SLGBTQ+ in Nunavut page on this website.
this page represents a cross-curricular praxis project I made as part of my first-semester work (incorporating elements from all 3 of my fall classes into that one piece)
My digital citizenship in Nunavut website,
this website represents a cross-curricular praxis project I made as part of my second-semester work (incorporating elements from all 6 of my classes from this year into one piece)
Semester 1
I created two major products:
1. How do we Know? How do we Share? A case for authentic scholarship [Video]. (December, 2021) Run time: 1hr 38 mins
2. This website, in its original iteration. You can see a complete scroll-through of what that looked like below. [Video] (March, 2021) Run time: 10 mins
The video below, along with my original website was meant to serve as the anchor piece of my scholarship for the first semester of learning in the CBU MEd SCI program.
Before the video essay, I have included key quotes from Four Arrows' book on authentic dissertation. Reading his book in the fall semester helped me see the system of education I am a part of (as both a teacher & a student) in a different way, and once I did, there was no going back.
I viewed this work as both foundational AND summative in illustrating the wisdom I had gained at that point in my learning journey. In service to the mechanistic/Western lens, I submitted this work as a fulfillment of: my 6104 curriculum analysis assignment, my 6104 final paper and my 6105 final paper. In service to the holistic/traditional knowledge lens, I submitted this work as a story. The story of who I am, not in an individualistic sense, but as a person shaped by the collective knowledge of those I am in community with.
Affleck, W., Chachamovich, E., Chawky, N., Beauchamp, G., Turecki, G., & Séguin, M. (2020). Suicide amongst the Inuit of Nunavut: An Exploration of Life Trajectories. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(6), 1812.
CBC Arts (2019, October 29). Jana Angulalik’s journey to proudly wearing traditional Inuit tattoos [Video]. YouTube.
CBC News. (2021, June 4). Your questions answered about Canada’s residential school system. CBC.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Diangelo, R. J. (2018). White fragility : why it’s so hard for white people to talk about racism. Allen Lane, An Imprint Of Penguin Books.
Donald Trent Jacobs. (2008). The authentic dissertation : alternative ways of knowing, research, and representation. Routledge.
First Nations Education Steering Committee. (2015). First Peoples Principles of Learning.
Four Arrows. (2019). The Indigenization controversy: For whom and by whom? Critical Education, 10(18), 1-13. Retrieved from:
Government of Nunavut (n.d). You are a friend of Nunavut [Brochure]. Government of Nunavut.
Harjo, S. (Writer, Director) & Waititi, T. (Writer). (2021, August 9). F*ckin' Rez Dogs (Season 1, Episode 1) [TV series episode]. In S. Harjo, T. Waititi & G. Basch (Executive Producers), Reservation Dogs. FX Productions, Piki Films & Film Rites.
Harjo, S. (Writer), Waititi, T. (Writer), Freeland, S. (Writer), & Lowe, B. (Director). (2021, August 16). Uncle Brownie (Season 1, Episode 3) [TV series episode]. In S. Harjo, T. Waititi & G. Basch (Executive Producers), Reservation Dogs. FX Productions, Piki Films & Film Rites.
Hatcher, A., Bartlett, C., Marshall, A., & Marshall, M. (2009). Two-Eyed Seeing in the Classroom Environment: Concepts, Approaches, and Challenges. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 9(3), 141–153.
Ijeoma Oluo. (2019). So You Want To Talk About Race. Seal Press.
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami. (n.d.). Inuit History and Heritage.
Kendi, I. X. (2019). How to Be An Antiracist. New York One World.
Kutz, S., & Tomaselli, M. (2019). “Two-eyed seeing” supports wildlife health. Science, 364(6446), 1135–1137.
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. (2000, March 13). Autism spectrum disorder fact sheet | national institute of neurological disorders and stroke.
Nunavut Department of Education. (2008). Inunnguiniq: Critical Pedagogy for Nunavut Educators. Nunavut Department of Education.
Office of the Auditor General of Canada. (2019). Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut—2019 Independent Auditor’s Report Support for High School Students and Adult Learners.
Robinson, K., & Aronica, L. (2016). Creative schools : revolutionizing education from the ground up. Penguin Books.
Simon, L. (2021, April 28). What can Inuit teach us on climate change and mental health? One Resilient Earth.
Sterling, S. (2001). Sustainable education: re-visiting learning and change. Green Books.
Sylliboy, J. R., Latimer, M., Marshall, E. A., & MacLeod, E. (2021). Communities take the lead: exploring Indigenous health research practices through Two-Eyed Seeing & kinship. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 80(1), 1929755.
Tagalik, S. (2012a). Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit: The role of Indigenous knowledge in supporting wellness in Inuit communities in Nunavut. Retrieved from National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health Publications:
Tagalik, S. (2012b). Inunnguiniq: Caring for Children the Inuit Way. Retrieved from National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health Publications:
Tranter, E. (2021, September 4). Nunavut says it needs to hire 54 more teachers as school year gets underway. CTVNews.
Documenting Growth: Original Website, December 2021
Documenting Growth: Original Website, December 2021
Documenting Growth: "About" page, March 21 2022
Documenting Growth: "Story of the site" page, March 21 2022
Documenting Growth: "Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit" page, March 21 2022
Documenting Growth: "Allyship" page, March 21 2022
Quana to all in my communities, past and present, who have given me the love, support and courage I needed to stop fragmenting and disconnecting, and to start walking this path towards holism. Bringing anything less than who I really am... even the parts that don't "fit", feels wrong now. I hope you feel like that too. If you don't, let's keep walking this scary road together until it doesn't feel so scary anymore.